what board you should use depending on your skill level.

Okay so today I have come to you will some good boards to use depending on your skill level. Some of this I know from experience and some from research.

Number 1. So first I will start with beginner boards.

Really any board you like with minimal to no flex. It will help keep you up right and will be good to learn on.

Number 2. Next for intermediate rider

Anything you feel comfortable with, maybe go with a little more flex that a beginner board but not a lot to the point where you will be falling over because you can’t keep your balance, also if you want to start doing tricks it will be more support to finish on.

Number 3. If you become a master at snowboarding and you want to challenge yourself a little bit you may want to try a powder board. they are a different shape than regular boards and are made for carving side to side in deep powder.

number 4. Lastly if you love to skateboard and snowboard like me, or just want to try something new you may want to try snowskating. It’s a skateboard deck with a ski on the bottom, and does not have bindings. you can ride them at almost every epic owned park you just have to have a leash on it connected to you.




The cowboy hat

Heyooo!! Today I’m going to be telling a story. It’s a true story and it happened about 2 years ago at winter park in Colorado. So basically my uncle Nick and I were taking day trips out to different ski resorts in Colorado and one day we decided to go to winter park. The power was AMAZING so I was going pretty fast and grinding  all along skiers left. And out of the corner of my eye I see this really tall man wearing a cowboy hat going flying past me. On the other side of me I can see my uncle and I’m pretty sure he saw it at the same time I did. By this time the guy wearing the hat is about 50 or so feet in front of us, and the hat comes flying off the guys head and lands on the ground. People were swerving around it trying not to run it over. Meanwhile me being me stops and picks up the hat thinking he stopped and I can give it to him so I slow down a bit but realize, the guy is already at the bottom. So I snowboard down there and got him his hat and he turned out to be a super nice guy and everyone was laughing and my uncle still can’t believe I picked it up. And to this day whenever I’m with my family talking about snowboarding that story always seems to come up and we all laugh.

The real way to get better at snowboarding.

Hello, today I’m going to be telling all my secrets on how to get better at snowboarding. These may not work for everybody but they sure did work for me, and hopefully they will work for you.

First and most importantly, WHERE A HELMET. They may look dumb and feel giant on your head but seriously they are amazing. Especially for beginners. When you are first learning you are going to fall and there is nothing you can do about it. And really if you don’t wear a helmet your just going to have an even bigger headache than if you were. (You may want a pair of goggles as well so you can go fast and your eyes wont water)

Another thing is that learning toe side isn’t the easiest thing ever and I think when I say this all the other snowboarders can agree with me. Learning toe side suckksssss. But in reality the only thing you can do is just send it, doesn’t matter if you fall just take your heals  off the ground and make your body face the way you want to go. (right for regular riders and left for goofy riders.)

My last thing I’m going to talk about is practice, it’s not an easy sport to learn and you really have to push yourself and get comfortable riding. Make quick turns from right to left, practice stopping, learn how to get on and off chair lifts, etc. If you practice all those things you will get better and better.  Then once you master the basics you may want to try a box, or just a simple little jump. But push yourself to get better and it will happen.


Why snowboarding is better than skiing.

SNOWBOARDING IS BETTER THAN SKIING!! Change my mind, I dare you. Today I am going to give you 3 amazingly awesome reasons why Snowboarding is better than skiing. If you don’t agree  with me that’s alright but just give me a chance. Trust me, just hear me out.

First off and most important, learning to Snowboard can help you with so many different things in life. Like skateboarding or longboarding, if you can Snowboard you can easilyyyy learn how to skateboard. It’s the same concept. you are on a board, both feet on it, doing tricks or carving( or both) (whatever you prefer.) It also helps with balance, you need balance to do many things in life. For example, riding a bike takes a lot of good balance so you don’t fall or tip over. Or if your like me and my friends you football tackle them onto the ground at odd times, balance to keep you up. Snowboarding will help!!

Second reason why Snowboarding is better than skiing is because it is easier, only because when your skiing you have to pay attention and work 2 legs at once, and it takes more muscle to do that, where when you are snowboarding you are strapped onto one board and you really only have to move one leg at a time, rarely you are going to move both legs at once unless your performing some crazy high tech trick that I have not been informed about (which is very likely because I focus more on carving not tricks.)

Anddd lastly Snowboarding is way cooler than Skiing, I would wayyyyyy rather watch someone rip some groomers on a Snowboard than Skis. I would also way rather watch someone do tricks on a Snowboard. It´s more appealing and you can day way more stuff. And so in conclusion. Snowboard. Dont. Ski……Thanks:))

Do’s and don’ts when riding at a small park.

First for the do’s of riding a small park. First thing to do when riding a small park, well any park really, LOOK AT A MAP. No matter how small it is look at the map! There are usually small trails threw the woods or small terrain parks scattered in weird places. You can also see what lifts are open because there’s a good chance they aren’t all always open.

Next, find the nearest bathroom, trust me on this one, when your out grinding in 30 degree weather and your out for as long as you can and realise you GOTTA GO, it’s a struggle to get all your gear off in time, (speaking from experience I’ve had some close calls.)

The last do I’m going to talk about is ALWAYS HAVE A BUDDY!! I cant stress this enough, doesn’t matter if your a pro and have been there 700 times or a newbie and going for the first time. THERE ARE SOME CREEPY PEOPLE. I’ve had people I’ve never even seen in my life come up and ask for my number (I didn’t give it to them obviously) one time 16 year olds on the lift in front of me was talking crap about one of my friends and eventually asked if I wanted drugs, I mean come onnnnn dude. anyyywayyysss some people just don’t understand  boundaries. So yeah, ALWAYS have a buddy.


Now for the Don’ts. NEVER try and make friends with anyone from a terrain parks, they are all snotty little dummies, who will only try to embarass you, no matter how friendly they seem just don’t do it.

Next don’t try and act cool and jump off the lifts no matter how close you are to the ground you WILL get caught and you WILL get kicked out. trust me. don’t be dumb.  (you will also most likely get hurt and that will be even worse and the ski patrol will have to come)

Okay last one I’m going to talk about is DONT BRING SPEAKERS! Don’t go around blasting your music that in reality no one else wants to hear, its annoying. Seriously.   No matter how cool you think it makes you look, in reality it just makes you look dumb. Just get some earbuds that fit under your helmet, it will work better anyways. trust me.